People With Brain Change

What role do you, as a person living with brain change, play in making Naples Unites successful? 

We Want to Know

Depending on what you want to do, there are a couple of different ways you can help us. First, be tuned in when you are going to different businesses in Naples. 

  • How are they treating you?
  • Do you feel welcomed and comfortable talking to the employees, asking questions or just finding your way around? 
  • Or do you feel overwhelmed, over-stimulated, rushed or in any other way unwelcome?

The Goal

Our goal is to have every business in Naples be one where people living with brain change and their families are welcomed and made to feel that they belong—just like everyone else.  

We want to honor and award those businesses that already doing a good job and we want to learn what makes them successful. We also want to help the businesses who are not quite there so that they can also be a place where you wil be welcomed and treated with compassion. 


Passion & Purpose Program

Another part of Naples Unites is our Passion and Purpose program. We are reaching out to businesses throughout Naples where people with brain change will be welcomed as a volunteer to do something that is both enjoyable and meaningful. If you have brain change, we partner you with another volunteer from the Network who serves as your companion. Check out our list of Partner Sites for existing opportunities. If you are passionate about something that is not on our partner list, please let us know.  We will find a business in Naples that is doing what you love, so that you can do something that is close to your heart.  Check out our Partner Sites